Turn Inwards: A Powerful NLP Exercise for Understanding Your Self

There’s a whole beautiful world to explore, but you don’t have to leave your living room to discover it (which is great news because I’m perfectly comfy in my cozy sweats and no makeup).

We often want to travel, meet new people, start new conversations, and feel new things; but the piece we’re missing is that all of these experiences are simply external circumstances leading us back to ourselves.

Often back to a deep understanding of ourselves. Unlocking new parts and building newfound confidence.

It’s why we leave our comfort zone, change out of our sweats, and venture out into the world in search of what life has in store. 

The good news is, you can learn to venture internally with the right awareness and intentions to make massive shifts in your psychology and improve your quality of life. 

Learning how to move your vantage point from an external focus to an internal focus will allow you to:

  • Develop greater self-awareness

  • Identify and challenge limiting beliefs

  • Recognize patterns in your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors

  • Foster emotional intelligence

  • Cultivate inner peace and harmony

I don’t know about you but I’m sold.

This leads me to an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) practice designed to support you in traveling to your inner world and unlocking your true potential.

Exercise: An NLP Practice for Discovering Your Inner World

This NLP practice called the "Inner World Exploration," will guide you through a process of turning inward and reflecting on your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Find a Quiet Space

Choose a comfortable and quiet space where you can sit or lie down without distractions. Allow yourself to relax and focus on your breath for a few moments.

Step 2: Turn Your Focus Inward

Close your eyes and turn your attention inward. Begin to observe your thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgment. Just notice and acknowledge them as they arise.

Step 3: Bravely Ask Yourself These Reflective Questions

  • What beliefs or thought patterns are influencing my current emotions?

  • Are there any recurring themes or patterns in my life that I need to address?

  • What can I learn from my current challenges or experiences?

Remember to approach these questions with curiosity and compassion, allowing yourself to be open to any insights that may arise.

Step 4: Journal Your Findings

Journaling, as simple as it sounds, is SUCH a powerful practice for introspection and is often overlooked. After completing the exploration, serve yourself well by taking some time to journal about your experience. Note any insights, patterns, or areas for growth that you discovered.

Step 5: Integrate Your Insights

What’s a good introspective visit without actionable steps? In coaching, we NEVER let someone leave the session without a plan to move forward. 

Let’s identify actionable steps to integrate your newfound self-awareness into your daily life. This might include setting new goals, challenging limiting beliefs, or developing new habits that support your personal growth.

Start with small incremental steps and build. For example, if you discover you’re spending a lot of time pleasing others and allowing your energy to drain you can make your next step taking 15 mins to sit down to do a mini energy audit and map out the people, projects, and things that are taking your energy (verses giving it). This could become a monthly or even weekly practice that you put in place every time to continually check in with yourself and the ways in which you’re spending your most precious resource. Small changes add up to big shifts, but you have to do the work and take actionable steps after you’ve gathered the insights. Knowledge is power but action is key.

In conclusion, discovering your inner world through NLP practices can lead to profound personal growth, increased self-awareness, and a deeper understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. By consistently exploring your inner world, you can unlock your full potential and create lasting change in your life.

Thank you for taking the time to invest in yourself today. Your dedication to this work not only benefits you but also has a positive impact on all those around you. Continue your journey of self-discovery and join us in the Self by Design Community for extra support and exponential growth.

P.S Are you looking for personalized 1:1 support? Whether it's around mindful parenting, conscious relationships, business, or simply, life in general, an expertly trained Self by Design Coach is ready to support you. Book your private coaching call here.

To exploring within and uncovering gold.

Much love,


Nicole Raymondi

We all have a mind but most of us, myself included, have gone our entire lives without really understanding the mind or knowing how to redesign it to create the lives we’ve imagined.

Self by Design combines my studies in neuroscience and certification in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), with the fundamentals of psychology, and the strength of our own spirituality to show that you can master the power of your mind.

We all have access to that vibrant thriving life by our own design, sometimes we just need a little guidance (and a little subconscious reprogramming) along the way.


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